Bears to have joint practices with Dolphins.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Montgomery, TX
From personal and anecdotal experience, assuming similar humidity, running 5 miles in 90+ heat is a helluva lot harder than running 5 miles in 75 degree heat. Keeping with that example, if you're used to running, say, 5 miles daily in cooler weather, most people won't be able to duplicate the same distance in the heat. Yes, I realize this example is an aerobic rather than anaerobic example. See the 2018 Bears vs Dolphins game for what happens when you have to perform in the heat and you're not used to it.

But if you are used to it and you go back to a cooler climate, it's a breeze.


Magitek Knight
Aug 30, 2012
Liked Posts:
From personal and anecdotal experience, assuming similar humidity, running 5 miles in 90+ heat is a helluva lot harder than running 5 miles in 75 degree heat. Keeping with that example, if you're used to running, say, 5 miles daily in cooler weather, most people won't be able to duplicate the same distance in the heat. Yes, I realize this example is an aerobic rather than anaerobic example. See the 2018 Bears vs Dolphins game for what happens when you have to perform in the heat and you're not used to it.

But if you are used to it and you go back to a cooler climate, it's a breeze.

Football is, by and large, a cold-weather game; particularly in cold weather climates such as this one. I don't see the purpose in bothering to acclimate athletes to hot/humid weather.
