There are a few messages in Slapshot if one cares to look at things a little abstractly that absolutely translate into today's game (or really any sport for that matter).
The theme that an owner is only in it for the business... (oh I could probably sell the team, but you have to understand that my accountant tells me I am better taking the taxbreak and shutting down.)
Marketing gone insane (radio-thons, holding fashion shows... etc...) - if you can't see parallels with the current President of the Hawks... they're there. Walking the red carpet, fan conventions, creating basically some sort of "tradition" that is geared to the fair weather fans... ones that really (imo only) have zero clue about who any of those ambassador guys were....
The feeding stuff to sports reporters...
I think I could go on -but won't.
Slapshot 2 and 3 .... I seen 2, and part of 3 on TV - if you find it super cheap it is ok ... but, you know all they are doing is ripping off the Hanson characters -and the message isn't really there like in the original film.... then again, how could it be - the original had Paul Newman in it.
I think too the theme is that some people take things way more seriously than they are supposed to be ... some folks out there treat their sports teams as if it is one big soap opera... nah -they aren't ... just some guys doing a job... some are f ups, some are good, some are over achievers, some are never will be's, and some have potential... as an individual, you shouldn't get overly attached to a pro sports team -as they are just a business... not an emotional investment (leastwise I don't think trating it as some sort of emotional thing is all that healthy)... FWIW.