Yet another transplanted Bear fan here in Cheesehead country. I live an hours drive from Lamblow but I can easily smell the stench where I live when wind is in the right direction. For the NFCCG a couple years ago I made a bet with my Cheesehead brethren which ended up with me dressed in Packer attire amongst a room full of Cheeseheads watching the Pack beat the Steelers in the Superbowl.
Obviously I have not learned my lesson because this year my proposal was to bet on which team will make it further in the playoffs. I didn't want to bet records because I think it may take a little while before the offense starts hitting on all cylinders. Looking at the schedule I think the Bears have a good chance of going at least 5-3 through the 1st half and getting on a role the 2nd half.
Assuming I win the bet this year I already have a Cutler jersey for my Pecker friend to wear but a shiny new Bears hat would look nice perched atop his cheese colored stained dome.