Typical Cubbie move, bringing in an overrated, troubled player with a bad contract. Have they learned nothing from history?
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I like to think they did...
Isn't that why Ricketts hired Epstein, kept a really low budget where EJax's 11 mil was the highest salary last year, and built up a farm system?
How is Jackson 'troubled?' I wouldn't say that, I'd go as far to say since what, 8+ years ago when he first came into the league, teams rode his arm and he gained the persona of 'innings eater,' or a guy who could go out every 4th day and throw 140 pitches and give your pen a rest.
This isn't the times of old, pitchers aren't men anymore.......they need rest, and as soon as 100 pitches lights up the scoreboard, everybody shits themselves.
Plus I like to think his solid contributions to tanking are the reason you're going to wish you had Kris Bryant on your team very, very soon......