Your name: Clarence
Your location: Southside Chicago
Your age: 37
Your favorite current Hawks player: Kaner
Your favorite NHL playe ever: Sean Avery
I'm just getting into hockey but love the sport. It's a fast paced game that's all about momentum and toughness (more momentum than toughness for the Blackhawks but there are some tough guys out there)
I'm a big time foodie, Baers Football fan, used to kickbox when I was in HS, can play multiple instruments like Prince (guitar, vocals, hand pan, turntables, synths, drum machines, Euphonium, Tuba, learning banjo right now) I was once a professional Drum n' Bass DJ and also have produced some minimal techno tracks that you've never heard. I may have even invented Dubstep. Love to garden, drink fine whiskeys, and absolutely love my young kids which will both be learning how to ice skate next year. Maybe my son will be the Hawk's next great enforcer...