Its all out there. I do not dance to your tune. Never have. Never will. You look it up yourself. Google Portis cheapshots Mirotic and see what pops up. It isn't hard. Now, I know you like to protect your little pals and I do know where this is probably headed, Scoot. It's pretty much the modus operandi of the management of this board. The Donators certainly are given special consideration on this board. I have an opinion where Mirotic was given a cheap shot and Anus disagrees. He whined to you and this is where we are at. Hell, this board is just chuck full of special treatment for those donators who march to the theme of those in charge. You won't admit it but really everyone knows it.
I have been attacked by so many donators on this board it is ridiculous. I have been accused of being a racist, a liar, a child molester(Gus), being a stolen valor guy, homophobe, an Islamaphobe, you name it. Why were these assholes not banished for that shit? Of course Scoot, you know why. Because you guys in charge know that is how you guys think about anyone who disagrees with your political beliefs. It is as fucking simple as that.
It is interesting that all of a sudden that you jumped into this argument. Why was that, Scoot? Who cried to you? Was it the asshole who has insulted me consistently for being a Vietnam veteran and therefore being a loser? Yeah, I think so. He would do something like that. This ****** has insulted and lied about me for whatever time I have been on this board including stuff that I will never disclose because I have honor and he does not.