Boers and Berstein own Jason Whitlock

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago White Sox
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Nebraska Cornhuskers
  2. Villanova Wildcats
I think I can handle "talking". I can also perform other extremely complicated tasks, such as "walking" and "pooing".

I don't understand this site at all. Dan Bernstein says its a conspiracy by Fox to only show "unhelpful" clips of Jay Cutler on the sideline, and the best people here can do is "What would qualify as a real job?" and "Have you ever tried talking? Its hard!".

LOL. You're the guy who brought up that Bernstein needs a real job.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
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I think I can handle "talking". I can also perform other extremely complicated tasks, such as "walking" and "pooing".

I don't understand this site at all. Dan Bernstein says its a conspiracy by Fox to only show "unhelpful" clips of Jay Cutler on the sideline, and the best people here can do is "What would qualify as a real job?" and "Have you ever tried talking? Its hard!".


Damn dude, you so got me.


The Wizard of OZ
Apr 21, 2010
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Try talking for five minutes straight without any pauses or ums.
I think I could do it because I'm pretty articulate and studied speech/communications in college.

Talking for five minutes is the easy part; Being able to say things that people want to listen to for 5 minutes is a whole different story. You can usually spot the weaker talk show host easily. They are the ones who take lot's of calls to fill time and give them something to respond to, because they don't have much of their own to say.

C'mon if you don't think Fox was selective about when to flash a 10 second image of what Cutler was doing on the sidelines then i want that good shit you're smoking.

This makes sense to me. I don't think there was a conspiracy, though. Everyone knew he was hurt. Showing him doing things that you wouldn't expect a hurt player to do (like riding a stationary bike, and not helping out his replacement) is more newsworthy.

"Look at this! Cutler is hurt and he's using crutches!"

"Cutler's supposed to be too hurt to play, but he's riding a bike, and walking without a big limp!"
Wow, really?

Fox was just trying to generate interest in a game that (at the time) was completely one sided. That's what they do.
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New member
Jun 29, 2010
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The OP
Fox was just trying to generate interest in a game that (at the time) was completely one sided. That's what they do.

The issue with that is, that isn't what they did! They showed Cutler talking to Hanie, right after they came from the commercial break after the 1st TD, Hanie is sitting next to Cutler both looking over the photos and talking.

They showed Cutler standing with the earpiece on which they didn't have too. It showed he is in-tune and listening. I guess some people saw that as just him standing there. Then other times they showed him just standing around.

It's about perspective, and most peoples perspective instantly went sour because they already bash on Cutler or were upset with his performance from the game.

Fox had no angle in it nor some jumping desire create a story, just show what was happening. They show Cutler on the bike because it is something happening and interesting on it's own. Players aren't on those bikes unless they are dealing with some type of issue. People just put their opinions on it because people love to make things personal despite the lack of value of it.
