Break Up Stories


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CCS Hall of Fame '19
Apr 16, 2010
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I've been dumped once. Other breakups have been mutual... Best way to do it is mutual. Cause then the Breakup Sex is :smug:

-Anyways, I was dating a girl for about a year and a half. Everything was good until we got into an argument on her birthday (October), and it kinda set bad vibes for the remainder of the relationship. In December, we broke up one night. I remember it clearly, the Bears got spanked by New England, and I was at my dads watching it. I told her I had to finish 2 papers for school that week and I was going to stay home and finish them rather than stay at her house that night.

Shit hit the fan shortly after that. About 10PM we get into an argument after she texted me earlier and I didn't text back because I was writing a paper. She accused me of cheating that night and being with another girl. I told her she's crazy and to **** off. I said "It's over"... Later around 1am I get a text from her telling me some of my stuff (Toothbrush, Jordan Shorts, Hoodies) were out in the snow in front of her house and that I needed to come get them. I make the trek over there, and we talk for about 2 hrs. I stay the night :smug: and we work things out. I wake up in the morning to her yelling at me over a text message. She went into my phone, and read all my texts. Apparently, a girl from my class texted me and was like "I see your single on FB now ;)" So my ex accused me again.. Few days later we worked things out.

Flash forward to a few weeks later, and she's having a Ugly X-Mas sweater party. All of our friends are there, and I'm getting Frat Boy Wasted off the "Apple Pie shots". This is where it gets interesting. That night one of the girls there that was friends with me and my ex's friends was there and I introduced myself to her and shit. Well, later on me and my ex got into an arugment. Than one of her friends told me that some guy was texting her about going on a date. I got pissed and confronted her, blah blah blah, and a punch from her fist to my face later I'm catching a ride from my friend home.

Me and my ex eventually talked things out again. Big mistake. Wish I would have ended it there. Anyway, on Valentines Day we go out, everything seems good. Than 4 days later she texts me while I'm at work, and told me it's over. I was pissed. I went to the gym that night, and honestly played Basketball & worked out from midnight to 9am. She wouldnt answer her phone or anything. The next night she goes to Chicago for her friends birthday at a hotel. It was 10 of them, I found out that her ex bf was there and told her to **** off. Later that week I meet some chick from GK, and we hit it off.

Whats more interesting, is the girl that I introduced myself too at the xmas party I'm currently talking too :smug:


Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Apr 16, 2010
Liked Posts:
Forest Park
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Fire
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. North Carolina Tar Heels
Perfect thread to say this....

**** GIRLS.


Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Apr 16, 2010
Liked Posts:
Forest Park
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Fire
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. North Carolina Tar Heels
#FuckThis #SlootsGonnaSloot #HoesGonnaHoe #GirlsSuck
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Mr. Cub

2016 World Series Champs!
Dec 13, 2010
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