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Well if Walt didn't keep a book from Gale in his fucking bathroom everything wouldve been fine. Jesse was gonna leave but he found out Walt poisoned a kid and kept lying to him so he just went nuts. Sucks he went to the DEA tho. Besides the DEA thing I was on Jesse's side at the end. Walt became a maniac. He had to die.
Hank never would've been able to prove shit without Jesse. Hank, Hank's partner, Jesse's girlfriend, Walt, they all died because Jesse was a pussy.
I loved BB.
So far, BCS has been okay. Nothing special, but it has kept me watching. I'm hoping this season really takes off
It seems to me if the writers for BCS really had some kick ass material they'd have had a blow you away episode by now. I want the show to be good but so far.... not much.
Best thing any of those actors has ever done:
If they plan on doing all that, it seems like they think they're going to have a very long run.aaron paul said he acted like that on the price is right because a friend of his got on the show by acting all crazy and told him it would work, so he did it and it did. lol
anyway, the creator of BB and Saul said Saul will take place before, during, and after the events of breaking, with walt and jesse making appearances,so im thinking theyll develop that further.
sauls a bit slow but breaking bad was a rather slow burn as well.
sucks if breaking bad falls off..ive only seen the first two seasons a couple of years back and they werent bad.. i have them all but havent been in the mood to binge. plus i have to start over because the old lady wants to watch them too..
i just finished ballers..it was better than i expected.. now im on a baskets kick...
it ended in 2013, what do you mean? show was epic
Have not seen one episode of Breaking Bad in spite of much encouragement. Just started BCS. Love it. Will probably get into BB when done binge watching the first season of BCS.