Breaking news coaching candidate tracking thread for other teams acturally literally making moves whilst the Bears sit with their thumbs up butts.


✅️ verified member - He/Him/Himselve/Sir
May 24, 2021
Liked Posts:
@VashalasX 2.1k views, very nice for someone that doesn't post often!
Thank you Grimace for the kind words, I have literally only recently as of the last 2 and a halve weeks had my finger in the pulse of this particularly specific metric of thread views and was literally ecstatic when I learned from the post that this message is in reply to that I had exceeded two THOUSAND views in such a short time but it just goes to show you that it isn't about popularity of the poster but rather the quality of the content creation and two THOUSAND views is a lot of views for such a narrow topic in my humble opinion!
