Right to your opinion, but bringing up something you cant prove when a tragedy happens. It shines a bad light. He did a lot for people around the world and players. Pointing to something that cant be proven, it seems like more hate.
Kobe, literally in his own words, stated that he can understand why the victim thought she was raped.
This was literally Kobe:
1. I didn't sleep with her
2. Okay fine, I did, but it was consensual
3. Well.... I thought it was consensual. But now that I've taken time to think about it... I can see why she says it wasn't. But I still think it was! *major facepalm*
There is holes in the womans story. She had sex shortly after her encounter with Bryant which isnt what rape victims tend to do. She said he forced her to stay in the room and wash her face. She later admitted it wasnt true and said it because she believed the detective didnt believe her. She wanted to become a singer and tried out for American Idol and didnt advance. She was on schizophrenic medication and tried to kill herself with sleeping pills before the event.
Most of these things aren't even holes in her story.
1. She tried out for American Idol before any of this happened, so that's completely irrelevant. Even if it happened afterwards, the victim didn't want her identity revealed, so there was nothing to gain from it anyway.
2. As mentioned, the sexual encounter she had with another man reportedly happened before the encounter with Kobe. The defense said she "must have had sex afterwards", but there is no proof of that. Based on timing, it seems likely that it happened before, since she went to the hospital not long after the incident and reportedly didn't shower in the meantime.
3. Her being suicidal also isn't a hole in her story. The defense, again, tried trashing her and used her mental illness against her. Trying to make it seem like she was schizophrenic and maybe imagined everything was also stupid for two reasons. 1. Everything she said lined up. She said he was choking her... There were bruises on her neck. Kobe also admitted to doing it, but said it was "a kink." The rape kit showed vaginal trauma consistent with rape. Blood was found on Kobe's shirt, from the victim's vagina, since she had no wounds elsewhere. She wasn't on her period... So clearly the sex was rough enough and she was dry enough (sign of not being sexually aroused) that she would bleed. 2. Kobe stated that he never asked for consent, and then, again, even admitted that he understood why she thought it wasn't consensual after hearing her story. If she was absolutely crazy and making shit up, don't you think he would be like, "Ummm that never happened..." He pretty much said that everything she said is true.... but that
he thought it was consensual.
4. Her lying to the detective about him forcing to wash her face isn't good...true. But, I'd argue that's a very minor detail in the grand scheme of things. Yes, you could argue back that if she lied about something small, why not lie about something bigger? That brings me to.......
Bryant didnt admit to the sex, at first, because he was scared his wife would find out. This is common practice of high profile people.
If it's reasonable to see why Kobe would lie because he didn't want his wife finding out he cheated.... isn't reasonable to see why the victim would lie after feeling like the detective didn't believe her? Victims of rape often don't want to come forward out of fear of not being taken seriously. I figure this is amplified when coming out against someone famous.
Also, if Kobe was so worried about his wife finding out he cheated, he wouldn't have been all like, "Ask Michelle! We have sex all the time like that... We have sex regularly!" For someone who lies to the cops so his wife doesn't find out he's cheating, he sure seemed to have zero problems talking about how much he actually cheats on his wife an outing himself even more.