Everyone r-e-l-a-x.
This isn't a 5 year hire. This is a 1 or 2 year experiment, and if you don't think Tony La Russa can help a group of young baseball players for 12-24 months with life and baseball...what are we even talking about?
How is this worse than Dusty Baker?
Its the American league, its like a picnic for Tony. He just has to manage the pitching staff. I think thats a pretty good pairing for a club that showed they have the potential to be the best offense in baseball, or top 5 solidly.
Few other hires know what it actually takes to win it all, and how to pull a pitching staff through these series, it has never been more difficult.
It would be real smart to hire a protege into the clubhouse, imo. This has a brief expiration date. Go out and find that analytics guy and build him an office next door to Tony's, instruct to observe and learn for 1 year or 2. Sharpen each other. Pick that man's brain for all it has, and move on as soon as he gets lost wandering in the hotel lobby.