To beat the Heat tonight without Rose is big and means alot even if not a playoff game.
We have shown our backbone throught the diversity of not having the MVP tonight.
The Bulls are a complete team that defends and sticks together no matter the case...I hope Pax doesn't pull any major levers before the deadline tommorow.....It would be a shame to lose the best chemistry in the NBA.....And what JL3 did tonigh is nothing short of amazing......Lucassanity is in effect......I fucking loved his shot in Lebitches face.....It was an artistic masterpiece........Ill bet the three divas are going to be going through more than a few boxes of kleenix tonight....I'm really fucking proud to be a Bulls fan from Chicago tonight..........Hellllllllllll Yeahhhhhhhhh Beeeeeeeeeeyotches!!!!!!!:beerbang: