it really doesn't have to change, he can continue to be aggressive, but when your not shooting well I don't see what is wrong with thinking "PASS FIRST"
Lets be honest, him jacking up 3's and LONG JUMP SHOTS allowed them to get back into the game, nobody is saying "STOP SHOOTING" but he does have options on the floor with him
Deng only took 13 shots, Noah only 8, image if they took more shots considering how well they was playing? This game is probably a BLOW OUT!
We'll just have to agree to disagree (again...)
Not saying I disagree w/ the point you're making...but to expect Rose to just be able to do it isn't realistic. He's NEVER been that guy. Yeah, he'll have a spurt on occasion, but since the dude was 16 (all of 6 years ago, lulz) he has been the go-to-guy on his team. Even his 3 years in Chicago, the guy has been relied on to be the scorer. Now that he's further in the playoffs than he's ever been in his career, no one's going to be able to say, "yeah, Rose, you should defer a little more." He's a scorer, he's got that mentality. Love it or hate it, that's who he is.
I hope he makes more passes to Deng next game, but he really passed a lot in the 2nd half. Korver couldn't get loose, and God knows we had passes go off our own hands. I think Jo was about as efficient as it gets this game, but tonight's game was his ceiling. We can't let him go back-to-the-basket. We had about 10 shots blocked tonight, several on possessions like that one.
Sorry. Long post.