Rose does't get calls for the life of him- D Wade gets sneezed on and he'll be at the line but Rose gets put on his head and gets a cold shoulder. He may have to start talking to refs like Kobe does about some of the calls- too bad he just doesn't have that type of personality.
Hasn't been all year that's why I'm kind of surprised to see them givin us the business the way they are. Sure, you know they're not gonna be so bad all year, but good God, they're making us look like an 8 seed.
Jackson has that "we know we're gonna stomp these chumps" tone.
I feel horrible for Rose. Whether it be a layup, drunk, open three, etc, he sets up guys lovely but they can't finish.
TO after TO. Poor starts, bad plays after TOs. Keith Bogans still starting. How long is
TT gonna get a pass on this teams performances? Thank God we have guys like Rose, Noah and Deng who have a hunger to win.