Huh...hadn't heard that Jack Straw's had closed. Then again, I avoid Wheaton like the plague.
As well you should, Wheaton is a very religious place and heathens are frowned upon, but they do have some great places to eat. Like this place I mentioned all the way back on post #24, great burgers if money is no object. But it really is all about finding that one non-chain neighborhood place that nails it.
$$$$ The Burger Social new place by me, ate there twice, both times great. 9/10 same owners as this place kind of pretentious, but look past that because of the great food.
I don't know how I forgot about this place. I grew up a 5 minute walk from there. When I was a kid the place sucked, then some guys I went to HS with took over and made it amazing. When I used to work near Mannheim and Higgins we went there twice a week for lunch, now it's like once a year because of the drive. Standing in line for an hour is worth it, if you live or work anywhere near this place you should check it out.