Was speaking to a co-worker about this about a month before the election. He was a "hired gun" contracted by the owner for the duration of the project we were on. He was a native Iowan, who grew up in his words, "a hundred miles away from shit in every direction." He left Iowa and settled in Frisco, TX around 1980. He said there were less than 10,000 people there. Frisco just crossed the 220,000 threshold. He hates it, and said the long time Texans he knows hate it as well for two reasons: one, is they realize that eventually, the population growth will make everything more expensive, just like every other populous area where there is a demand to live and work. Two, was that the newcomers are largely not conservative voters, and are changing the politics in Texas as well.
This is the same game corporations have been playing for a long time. When workers in places like Paterson, NJ unionized, the companies packed up and went to Alabama, where there was little union presence. When it was feasible, they moved the plants to Mexico, and shortly after to China.
The right always celebrates the race to the bottom as a validation of their beliefs.
It's depressing that the connection of two threads one the same forum, one complaining about the rampant homelessness in the richest country in the world and another about corporations running away to get out of paying good wages and taxes and avoiding any pesky health and environmental laws that get in the way of their greed is lost in the shuffle...