Only because its the east, Jimmy could get the Bulls somewhere. But #1, he doesn't want to come back. And #2, its a band-aid that gets us nowhere in 2-3 years, maybe even a long term setback. Unfortunately, the best hope is to stick with young player approach, wait for a few dinosaurs to die off, then *hopefully* have enough money to draw in a player that fits a need down the line. The Parker and LaVine experiment is either going to work or fail. Not a lot in between, because there is not enough meat on the bone to nab another FA without another catastrophic shake-up (because Gar/Pax are not good at shake-ups). And possibly seeing how the league is moving, one good economic turn, the league will lockout and we'll see a CBA that *hopefully* reduces the super-team trend. And in that case, the Bulls would actually be in a better situation than a lot of teams.
<koolaid>The best bet is to hope these guys can have an entertaining season, after all, a few fresh faces, a lot of breakout potential from SOMEONE, who knows who, odds are not everyone is going to bust, *knock on wood*, and Bulls might have an all-star in the weak east to rally around. </koolaid>