No, FirstTimer is still around, he just slowly has lost interest here I think. I guess not being able to tag team people anymore got boring :shrug:
Not at all the case. The last few months or so have corresponded to some really busy time with work and some more travel. Plus I've been active at some other boards etc. Life happens at times.
Over the past year I haven't posted as much either. Having the same convo over and over again isn't all that fun.
There was a big problem with the board we noticed Sunday. Some of us were stuck on a part of the board that was getting very little play but we could see this one that was very active when we weren't logged in. I figured it out and got around it all but I think some are still stuck on the outside. Think it had something to do with that archive Crys was working on.
Really don't think it had anything to do with fact I'm nearly 100% positive it didn't.
FWIW the bannings here seem to be random and have no purpose. Rory got banned for two weeks for posting a PM and that ban was never lifted. For what reason? Who knows. Just seems like mods had an axe to grind on that one. He's come back under different names and not been an issue but keeps getting banned. if you don't want multiple accounts that's fine and completely understandable but seems like a rather lame move to ban someone for two weeks for posting a PM then change it to a permaban for no reason and no notice.