I would love to be involved if any others are interested in a partnership.
Hey Rush, you obviously want no part in this headache, you have moved on to other business ventures. Think about it.
ill buy 10% fer 10 dolla... but

I would love to be involved if any others are interested in a partnership.
Hey Rush, you obviously want no part in this headache, you have moved on to other business ventures. Think about it.
be worth about 9k according to some interweb tool...
but we talking inflated numbas.. ALTS driving fake member counts... inflated activity, clicks n impressions... but the aussie helping clicks fer shits n giggles sumtimes.. then factor in dying ad rev via da adblock.... adsense policies which shape site behavior.. hosting/maintenance costs etc.. 100 dolla seems about right.. man would lose money running dis site without the tech know-hows or a volunteer aka crys
money would be in branding if you could get the 25 real members to subscribe or buy sumin..
but idk they numbas n what they actually generate via da adsense or dey running costs.. better go back to selling mo t shirts.. finding a legit sponsor.. perhaps building up dat user base for reaLS n mine data to sells..
908 users online right now, even if 200 or 300 of those are novak...
at the same time, i think ccs isnt realizing its potential . i wasnt be hurr early so i dont know the direction the owners wanted to go.. but its not where it should be imo.
while the market is limited with chicago sports content.. that content is still potentially for a good chunk of ppl... ccs should have people on the ground in chitown.. be needing dem press passes.. writing they own content EVERYDAY and not once a week..
its sad when i come here to the forum and i usually get redirected to another site in some thread to get bears news.. but that's the protocol...cause i know the front page aint gonna have shit.... it shouldn't be that way..
you either need to use those writers for original content or have them rewrite and credit others.. news/pieces should be priority one.. with the forum numero 2..just to keep dem peeps around n invested.. but if they aint da forum type.. get da masses some news at least.. when ppl googling chicago sports news nfl mocks etc etc ccs should be up there.. need a new cubs guy/gal.. im sure becca ryan schultz would like another platform to write.. but as da becca..
the actual main site homepage needs a redesign too.. while its a meh okay and is responsive.. it feels dated and mashed. also, adblock can make the home site look less dynamic in a sense. . is this some sort of restricted free theme or something? id separate adsense from the main site home page and put it everywhere else just to get the design n navigation i wanted exactly.. etc etc
while the ticket aspect is nice.. the site should be also selling dey own shit.. licensed and not.. dont redirect me to someone who does... doesn't rush make clothing??? all those unlicensed air jeffery shirts??? etc etc.. there is a shop and support ccs table but nothing is in that table for us adblock peeps.. ccs should have its own store...
etc etc etc
buy low.. menu, new product, new launch. new customers...cook books, then sell high..
Rush, you might want to have a talk with Ausie, I think you've been getting bad advice.