I think they've see enough of the big club that playing against lesser quality in Rockford won't help their games. More time on the ice? Sure, that would help if they won't get the icetime for the 'hawks. But at this point I think they'll do better against NHL talent rather than AHL talent.
Even so after Jones, McCabe, and Murph: Kalnuyk, Beaudin, and Mitchell are the next on the depth chart in terms of what they have brought to the ice, with maybe Stillman as a 7. Stuffing any of those former three in Rockford means we're not icing the best team--and so then, what's the purpose?
Because we can't get rid of DeHaan? Fine, chalk that up as another Bowman fail but I get that--why let 4.5M fetch off Eddie O in the pressbox when there a chance he might have a string of okay games and some sucker can take him off our hands.
To allow Jones to play with his Brother? That would be stupid--especially beyond the preseason if the current situation remains. Caleb has shown less than just about every other D-man we have.