Chicago Bullseye 82 Thread - Post your comments!


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Apr 5, 2009
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Re:Chicago Bullseye 82 Thread - Post your comments

clonetrooper264 wrote:
pinkizdead wrote:
yeah hinrich would have impacted the game, but really what are we conceding here?hinrich is an upgrade over pargo and hunter. does that really mean much?

i dont have a problem with hinrich being on the team. if he wants to play 15 minutes a game, i have no problem with hinrich what so ever! he 'll get all the back up pg minutes and a FEW minutes at 2. he's not a good enough shooter to get all the minutes at the 2 guard role, and he's not good enough to take his man off the dribble and score a layup. with that in mind, he's not a good fit for this team. His contract is actually the greatest reason i want to trade him. he's not worth it to US.

maybe if we can talk to portland, we could still trade hinrich and tyrus for miller and rudy. then we might be able to pawn miller off to some1 else/ negotiate a buy out.
15 minutes...? Really? Is that really all Hinrich is to you people here? 15 mpg and 3 million a year. And I though the drones were bad...since when did Hinrich become the guard equivalent of Darko?

I'd say Kirk is worth the MLE and should get between 25-32mpg on this team depending on match ups and his streakiness.


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Mar 29, 2009
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Oakleigh South, Melbourne, Australia
People bagging out Hinrich's contract have to remember that hindsight is great, but at the time, Kirks contract was viewed as pretty fair.

At the time, each season he had improved each of his 3 seasons, and he signed the extension at the beginning of his 4th season, which would turn out to be a career year (so far at least) making the All Defensive team. Somewhere along the line for whatever reason, the 07-08 season he just played beyond horrible. Last year he played decently so everyone thought he may be back somewhat, but this season so far he has shown he will most likely never match those first 4 years of his career. Maybe on another team, but not here. Thank god he is earning less each season.

Bottom line is at the time and esp during the first year of he extended it, I don't think anyone was complaining and planning for Kirk to get worse after would. In fact it always amazes me that he has. You would at least think he would stay the same as he was in his 3rd or 4th year. Its not like he had an injury that should effect his career
