Propaganda has been used to condition people and make them think conspiracies aren't really possible and only crazy people believe them. This way the government can get away with anything they wish knowing the plebs have been put into a state of retardation.
The shot that killed JFK was not an accident. There were 4 paid assassins in place to ensure he did not get out of that alive and Oswald was, indeed, the patsy he claimed to be. LBJ was at the center of the plot.
As false flags go, none were gentler than Sandy Hook. All it required was some photoshopping, horrible actors and a Special person public to swallow such nonsense.
If you look at video of that Boston marathon, you can see people feigning injuries and even getting in their places and positions before the blood capsules and prosthetics were put in use. You can see faux hero, Carlos Arredondo, directed as to where to go and handed his props throughout the whole event. Much like Sandy Hook hero, Gene Rosen, his interviews were quite humorous only cause they were so rehearsed and he is a very stupid man.
And, come on, you schmucks still don't know why a building, let alone 3, can never possibly collapse into its own footprint at anything remotely close to free fall speed unless rigged to do so.