Yeah not great, but he had some flashes and the team in front of him is still hot garbage.
He did as well as could be expected. He maybe should have had one of those goals back, max. The rest he was hung out to dry on...
...on his 1st game back...
...since Christmas...
...when the bulk of the team decides to take a powder.
To me the proof was in watching his game. He was nearly always square to the shooter, his positioning and anticipation were excellent. The rust was there but the machinery behind it looked in solid condition. Not to mention he bailed out Seabrook's barrel-ass yet again.
I have good hope now Crawford will shake it all off in a few games and at least be career-average, if not 2013/2015/2016/2018 good. He, in this game, was already better than most of Ward's outings.