Cubs’ Attendance and TV Ratings Reportedly Down So Far This Year


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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The 2013 Chicago Cubs haven’t been winning enough games to convince anyone that they’re a contender, and that lack of faith is reflected in flagging attendance and reduced television viewing.

Crain’s Danny Ecker reports that, when compared to this point last season, attendance at Wrigley Field is down 14%. Then again, at about 32,600 per game, at least the Cubs still have the 12th best attendance in baseball.

Equally alarmingly, the ratings for Cubs games on CSN are down 15% when compared with this point last year. Ecker’s piece is worth reading for some caveats on the declines, including a notation that the Cubs’ TV ratings are actually up in the 25 to 54 age demographic.

The attendance decline is both lamentable and expected. With a fourth consecutive non-competitive team – particularly one that was not expected to be competitive from the get-go – I would be surprised if the Cubs were surprised at the slip in attendance. When the Cubs are good, attendance will shoot back up through the roof.

When the Cubs are good.

As for the television drop, that, too, is largely attributable to the Cubs’ lousy play. But, unlike the attendance drop – for which the long-term ramifications are probably limited to some lost dollars this year – I fear that the drop in television ratings could impact the Cubs’ upcoming efforts to shop the expiring WGN portion of their television contract, which is up after 2014.

Half of the Cubs’ games are available to the highest bidder, subject to some reported restrictions on the entities to which the Cubs can shop them, and that bidder is going to want the security of a long-term deal. The Cubs’ bargaining position remains strong, but an annual ratings decline spanning multiple years might be enough to give bidders pause. Maybe they ask for a discount. Maybe the Cubs don’t have a choice. Those rights were expected to be shopped/discussed/negotiated as soon as this offseason.

That all said: as with attendance, I doubt any of this is a surprise to the Cubs, and I expect that they’ve been planning for it in ways I can’t even anticipate. It’s just an unfortunate complication to a process that is critical to the Cubs’ long-term success. Let’s hope the business guys are as effective in practice as the baseball guys are in theory.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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the Aura of wrigley field is not going to last forever and is not enough to fill the seats these days, as the new generation fans are looking for more then just a winning product on the field.


New member
Apr 18, 2013
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the Aura of wrigley field is not going to last forever and is not enough to fill the seats these days, as the new generation fans are looking for more then just a winning product on the field.

There is a reason why I stated that the Cubs need some marquee names in the line-up. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that people want to watch good players.

Trotting out 2nd string players, middle of the rotation pitchers, and a few future young players solves little to nothing. Ricketts is getting everything he has paid for.

Winning solves everything. Do that, and the fans and television contracts will jump on board.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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I bet you spending goes up if the attendance and rating keep going down. We may do a splash in FA before its all said and done.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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Winning solves everything. Do that, and the fans and television contracts will jump on board

no denying that, but my point is as in the past when they were losing, fans still came out to WF, their not doing that now..
its not just the product on the field anymore, the love affair of just going to WF, as somewhat older generations on up has had is starting to fade with the newer generation wanting more then just a winning product on the field. newer generation want BOTH a winning team and an updated stadium


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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I bet you spending goes up if the attendance and rating keep going down. We may do a splash in FA before its all said and done.

thats what im thinking and hoping for this offseason, actually thats what im hoping for this trade deadline ..
to see them NOT be solely just making deals to flip for minor league quantity, but to keep guys like garza and start adding guys to the core for 2014 and beyond.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
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Rectal Cavity
Fuck the new stadium. It doesn't put wins in the wins column.

There are plenty of teams with new or newer stadiums that suck balls.

I could care less if the seat I sit in is a hundred years old. I want to see a team that has been given a chance.

Not this pathetic bullshit.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
All they did was sign Jackson, who was a .500 pitcher and signed some short term flips. Course the attendance took at hit. But looking at it: 14% is not that much. Goes to prove that the majority only care about the park. Shoot watch them plug Bryant out there with more hack filler and see the attendance surge back up regardless of the results. That is because we are dealing with Cub fans. Not the brightest bulbs out there.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
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All they did was sign Jackson, who was a .500 pitcher and signed some short term flips. Course the attendance took at hit. But looking at it: 14% is not that much. Goes to prove that the majority only care about the park. Shoot watch them plug Bryant out there with more hack filler and see the attendance surge back up regardless of the results. That is because we are dealing with Cub fans. Not the brightest bulbs out there.

Shhhhhhh! Chris and Waldo still havent found the penny in the corner of the circular room yet!


New member
Apr 16, 2013
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no denying that, but my point is as in the past when they were losing, fans still came out to WF, their not doing that now..


They are still on pace to draw around 2.7 million fans. That would still be more than just about any season prior to 1999.

newer generation want BOTH a winning team and an updated stadium

Because the newer generation needs flashing lights and a jumbotron to tell them what is going on in a game.

A piece of paper and a pencil to keep score is too hard for the newer generation to operate and keep track of the game.

They need a scoreboard to tell them what the player did last at bat and when to cheer cause they aren't smart enough to figure it out themselves.

The Bandit

Oct 18, 2010
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The open road
this isn't something that surprises me one bit.


They are still on pace to draw around 2.7 million fans. That would still be more than just about any season prior to 1999.

Because the newer generation needs flashing lights and a jumbotron to tell them what is going on in a game.

A piece of paper and a pencil to keep score is too hard for the newer generation to operate and keep track of the game.

They need a scoreboard to tell them what the player did last at bat and when to cheer cause they aren't smart enough to figure it out themselves.

What are you 80? It adds to the look and gets fans involved that is all, I don't personally bring a note pad and pencil to do the box score I watch the game.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
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It adds to the look and gets fans involved that is all, I don't personally bring a note pad and pencil to do the box score I watch the game.

Adds to the look? Exactly has does a jumbotron add to the look?

And sure it gets fans involved. The brain dead fans that need to be told when to cheer.

And you might want to start keeping score. You have to actually watch the game and know what is going on to keep score. You would probably learn something as you clearly have a lot to learn.

The Bandit

Oct 18, 2010
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The open road
Adds to the look? Exactly has does a jumbotron add to the look?

And sure it gets fans involved. The brain dead fans that need to be told when to cheer.

And you might want to start keeping score. You have to actually watch the game and know what is going on to keep score. You would probably learn something as you clearly have a lot to learn.

I'd learn more from staring at the pencil and paper over what I'd learn from you, that's for sure. Wasn't aware that everyone who looks at or even has a positive look on a jumbotron is a "brain dead fan."


New member
Apr 18, 2013
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I bet you spending goes up if the attendance and rating keep going down. We may do a splash in FA before its all said and done.

Absolutely. The Cubs have had attendance figures over 3 million from 2004 to 2011. Gee.... I wonder why?

2004 was after their playoff run and Sammy Sosa was still on the team, and the highest figures were in 07' and 08' when the Cubs actually spent a little money to field a ball team.

You get what you pay for, or better yet, what you don't pay for.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Absolutely. The Cubs have had attendance figures over 3 million from 2004 to 2011. Gee.... I wonder why?

2004 was after their playoff run and Sammy Sosa was still on the team, and the highest figures were in 07' and 08' when the Cubs actually spent a little money to field a ball team.

You get what you pay for, or better yet, what you don't pay for.


I'll bet if it looks like season ticket sales are sagging they may put Bryant at 3B out of S/T or put out the hype that he maybe on the team in the summer to boost sales. This is a cost free tactic to generate more sales.

As far as the stadium:

Every thing put out will cause more revenues.

That is pretty much what this is about.

Invest into new resource.

Cut back on expenses.

Only spend on an expense (payroll) if a sales burst is needed.

Sounds about right so far.
