Name: Doug. 62 years old, lost more brain cells in Old Style cups at Wrigley than I likely have left.

Moved to Minneapolis in 1995, but will always bleed Cubbie blue. And I was happy I could witness for my Dad, who passed away in 1998, the Cubs WS victory in '16.
Favorite present player: Can't be just one. Goes Schwarbs, then KB, then Rizzo, Javy, Willson, Addi, Ben... and so on. Pitchers come in starting at about 12th on the list.
Favorite past player: Again, can't limit it to one. I guess it has to start with Banks, Santo and Jenkins, then Dawson, Sosa, Maddux, Grace, Soriano, Wood... etc., etc. My Dad's old fave was Hack Wilson.
Favorite Cubs moment: Dawson's last home at-bat in tbe '87 season, was at the game. It was a stormy day; the at-bat progressed, just before the final pitch there was a stroke of lightning and a great boom of thunder, and tben Dawson slammed a home run to left. The fan appreciation giveaway that day was a Cubs poster, which came rolled up in a plastic sleeve. I still recall the stands dissolving into 40,000 rolled-up posters being waved in the air, like cilia growing out of a great organism named Cubfan. It was an impressive moment.
Other sports: I'm a Bulls and Bears fan to the death. Sadly, I've never been into hockey or soccer.