First topic is the lead off.,1
He has improved over all but we are talking 83=>110.,1
Body of work elsewhere.
This is his worst year. He has been around 115 as a standard.
Now this leads right into the second part of the question. Is that acceptable as a corner OF?
No it is not. He is bringing nothing to the table. LF is a position that you need to get a plus out of because the demands from the defense are less.
So there is a few ways to approach this.
1. Do nothing and solve nothing.
2. Trade him while he is hot.
3. Push him into a rotation with Contreras and Caratini.
1. is stupid.
2. Is the easy out.
3. Is the creative method. It solves a few things.
A. It justifies a lower production from Schwarber because now he is doing a vital role for the team.
B. It creates a personal catcher situation. That tends to be more beneficial towards the starter as they can better focus on their games together. Lester was at his best with Ross. That should be the goal.
C. It lessens the wear and tear on Contreras with out sacrificing PA's over it. That bit should be common sense.