You people should not make fun of Spartans or allow yourselves to be poisoned with these vaccines. You plebeians also have pedophiles and freaks among you as do all cultures. We kick them down wells and throw them off cliffs to put them out of their misery and keep their diseased minds from infecting others.
We do not use vaccines nor would we cower to an oppressive government that demands we inject these poisons into our bodies. You people not only harm yourselves but your cowardice is infectious to your countrymen and that is how your fascist leaders have come to control you. You make your people think it's ok to allow themselves to be injected with these vaccines that 99.9% of them don't even know all the contents of. And you make them think it's ok to kneel to your masters and do whatever they tell you to do even when it harms your long term health and kills your innocent babies.
You all need to pray to your God for some backbone so you can fight back against your oppressors and ban these vaccines they are using on you to wipe out a large part of the human race. Only the strong will survive so stop being so damn weak.