One can never underestimate going to the dentist. Beyond the teeth health they also check for other things (thyroid, cardio) since the health of your teeth can directly effect some of the other body.
I have done some dangerously stupid shit in my life and mangled the hell out of my teeth from time to time. After dealing with a ton of options I recently got some implants (for 8 teeth). Did not like the cost as I could have been a very nice down payment on a C300 or something like that. But it has been worth it, and like RK mentioned, with the work I do crappy looking teeth (dental work) has an impact.
As far as wisdom teeth. I had all four pulled on a recommendation from a previous dentist. All four were pulled at once and just with Novocain (the oral surgeon thought I was insane, but I have an oddly high pain tolerance). There really was nothing wrong with the teeth (healthy, not impacted, etc), but I was younger and stupid and thought the dentist was right. The result had a direct impact on my speech based on the size and shape of the inside of my mouth. Had to take fucking speaking classes to learn to adjust. That dentist just said that was a normal side effect...