Derrick Rose grades himself—B or B-minus


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May 17, 2010
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Re: The Taxman cometh in 2011.

[quote name="mill500"]

My problem with that, Jako, is that at least Bush (for whatever else people want to say about him) understood small business. And it isn't as much as a Democrat vs. Republican issue. Christ, Clinton even understood how important small business is to the economy.

As a small business owner, I haven't seen one thing that Obama has done to help us. If I've missed it, somebody let me know. The guy has never been responsible for producing a profit in his career and with 10% unemployment has done nothing to promote hiring in small business other than blame it on Bush (OK, there is the HIRE act, you get to deduct the employers 6% FICA tax if you hire a previously unemployed person. It lasts until 12/31. BFD.)

I just don't get someone who looks at corporate profits as immoral.[/quote]

Also known as a Socialist.


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May 15, 2010
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Re: The Taxman cometh in 2011.

Hoyer Says Extending Bush's U.S. Middle-Class Tax Cuts May Be Unaffordable

By James Rowley - Jun 22, 2010

U.S. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said permanently extending former President George W. Bush’s tax cuts for middle-class wage earners may no longer be affordable as the U.S. tries to curb its growing debt.

Bush’s 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for all income levels expire at the end of this year. For those applying to middle-class earners, lawmakers must discuss “whether we can afford to permanently extend them before we have a real plan for long-term deficit reduction,” Hoyer said today in a speech in Washington.

Still, Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, predicted that Congress wouldn’t raise taxes on “working Americans” until the economy improves. Silly Rabbit, tricks are for kids. By knowingly allowing the tax cuts to expire at the end of the year you ARE raising taxes.

In February, President Barack Obama said he was “agnostic” about raising taxes on households making less than $250,000 a year as part of a broad effort to rein in the budget deficit. He repeatedly promised during the 2008 presidential election campaign not to raise taxes on individuals making less than $200,000 and households earning less than $250,000 a year.

Hoyer said tax increases were part of deficit-reduction plans enacted by Congress during the administrations of both presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. The tax increases that Clinton proposed “faced predictions of disaster, but he helped to unleash historic prosperity and budget surpluses,” Hoyer said.

It’s ‘Official’

On the Senate floor, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said, “It’s now official. Top Democrats are signaling their intention to raise taxes on the middle class” that would “break” Obama’s campaign pledge not to raise taxes for households earning less than $250,000.

In 2007, the Washington-based Tax Policy Center estimated it would cost $1.3 trillion over a decade in foregone revenue to extend the middle-class tax cuts, assuming the alternative minimum tax also was restrained in keeping with congressional policy. The Tax Policy Center is a research institute backed by the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution.

In his speech, Hoyer said Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf had predicted that extending the Bush tax cuts without other policy changes would “put us on a path towards a publicly held debt equal to 90 percent” of the economy by the end of the decade.

“Raising revenue is part of the deficit solution, too,” in addition to reducing spending, Hoyer said. “At a minimum, the House will not extend the tax cuts benefiting taxpayers” with household incomes of more than $250,000, he said.

‘Working Americans’

Later, at his weekly news conference, Hoyer said that with the economy still in a recession, “I don’t think this is a time to increase taxes on working Americans. I don’t think we will do that.”

Hoyer’s comments left open the possibility that Congress would vote to temporarily extend the Bush tax cuts for middle- class Americans. “No decision has been made on exactly what to do,” he said. He wouldn’t say whether Congress would act before or after the November elections.

During his speech, Hoyer said a budget agreement this year must include “permanent solutions” to the estate tax, which lapsed last year, the alternative-minimum tax for middle-class wage earners and Medicare reimbursements for doctors.

He said Congress should consider raising the age for collecting Social Security and providing lower Social Security and Medicare payments to wealthier beneficiaries than those with lower incomes.

‘Lying to Ourselves’

“We’re lying to ourselves and our children if we say we can maintain our current levels of entitlement spending, defense spending and taxation without bankrupting our country,” Hoyer said.

A commission Obama appointed to study ways to curb the growth of government debt should produce a plan later this year “that cuts spending and looks at revenue when the economy recovers,” Hoyer said. The commission is not scheduled to make its recommendations until December, a month after the congressional midterm elections.

“It isn’t possible to debate and pass a realistic long- term budget until we’ve considered the bipartisan commission’s deficit reduction plan,” Hoyer said.

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office projected that the budget deficit will reach $1.35 trillion this year, more than 9 percent of the economy.

Hoyer said he was pleased that Obama “made clear that everything, revenues included, should be on the commission’s table.” ... dable.html


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May 17, 2010
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Re: The Taxman cometh in 2011.

Yes, raising taxes is the way to go. Taxing people's unemployment which in most cases is HALF or LESS than half of what they were making previously IS the way to go. :doh: :shock: :roll: This will be a true money maker. Dumb asses.

The way to go about it is to quit scaring the shit out of business owners so that they feel comfortable moving forward. The owners feel good, they hire workers. Guy gets a new job he feels good about things and spends some cash. Tax revenue INCREASES becasue they are now taxing a salasry not an unemployment check without having to increase anything.

We're doomed at this current pace.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Re: The Taxman cometh in 2011.

[quote name="LarmersOneTimer"]Yes, raising taxes is the way to go. Taxing people's unemployment which in most cases is HALF or LESS than half of what they were making previously IS the way to go. :doh: :shock: :roll: This will be a true money maker. Dumb asses.

The way to go about it is to quit scaring the shit out of business owners so that they feel comfortable moving forward. The owners feel good, they hire workers. Guy gets a new job he feels good about things and spends some cash. Tax revenue INCREASES becasue they are now taxing a salasry not an unemployment check without having to increase anything.

We're doomed at this current pace.[/quote]

Great post sir.

I seems that this should be common sense, but apparently not to many in power.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Re: The Taxman cometh in 2011.

[quote name="LarmersOneTimer"]

The way to go about it is to quit scaring the shit out of business owners so that they feel comfortable moving forward. The owners feel good, they hire workers.


Most of all of my clients are small business owners. Your statement is golden in capturing their thoughts right now. This administration is crushing the small business' nationally and what most don't understand is that the singlest largest workforce employer in the U.S.A. are small business. I believe the number is around 67-70% of all employed are working for a small business.

I have had business owners tell me directly that as long as this administration is running things that they will be very limited in hiring back laid off workers. They feel the reward is no longer representitive of the risk involved. Many of those employed by such owners are starting to understand that hence Obama's continual decline in the ratings.


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May 17, 2010
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Re: The Taxman cometh in 2011.

[quote name="IceHogsFan"][/quote]

Exactly what the administration wants. The more people that rely on them for thier check the more control they have over EVERYTHING. Call me a nut job, paranoid but how else do you explain the way things are being run. They now have control over health care, will soon have control of financials, the oil spill will allow them to "regulate" that industry (the worse it gets the better for the current administration), etc., etc.

The American dream of working for what you want, striving to be better, being inovative is all slowly coming to an end. I feel bad for my kids.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Re: The Taxman cometh in 2011.

[quote name="LarmersOneTimer"]

Exactly what the administration wants. The more people that rely on them for thier check the more control they have over EVERYTHING. Call me a nut job, paranoid but how else do you explain the way things are being run. They now have control over health care, will soon have control of financials, the oil spill will allow them to "regulate" that industry (the worse it gets the better for the current administration), etc., etc.

The American dream of working for what you want, striving to be better, being inovative is all slowly coming to an end. I feel bad for my kids.[/quote]

My kid is not entitled to anything nor will she be raised with any such thought.


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May 16, 2010
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Re: The Taxman cometh in 2011.

[quote name="IceHogsFan"]

My kid is not entitled to anything nor will she be raised with any such thought.[/quote]

Good for you, although I think that viewpoint is fading fast in this country. The only thing I feel entitled to is the government's hands off my freedom and out of my pocket!


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May 17, 2010
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Re: The Taxman cometh in 2011.

[quote name="IceHogsFan"]

My kid is not entitled to anything nor will she be raised with any such thought.[/quote]

Hope you're not implying that I am saying otherwise.


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May 16, 2010
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Re: The Taxman cometh in 2011.

[quote name="LarmersOneTimer"]

The more people that rely on them for thier check the more control they have over EVERYTHING. Call me a nut job, paranoid but how else do you explain the way things are being run. They now have control over health care, will soon have control of financials, the oil spill will allow them to "regulate" that industry (the worse it gets the better for the current administration), etc., etc.


I'd explain it as socialism. And we get to pay for it.
