Did I have the wrong reaction?


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Oh, leave it to Tater...

Anywho, if you are concerned about your parents financial well-being, ask what they need and why. If they don't want to answer, then that is their problem. However, they opened the door by disclosing that they need money, so it IS your business now.

As for the firearms, get them back in your posession asap. No matter what paperwork you may have, posession is 9/10s of the law. If you ever went to court over the matter that question would come up; who had them and for how long? I don't think you want any part of suing your brother-in-law or parents for a couple of guns that could be valued at less than $2000. So reclaiming them is the best thing to do.

I know what it feels like to want to avoid conflict and be the peacemaker, but don't let yourself get shit on...you are already getting that a plenty right now. You don't deserve it either. Be good to yourself, if others - even spouses or parents can't get on that train, then stand up for yourself (like you did by telling your mom to slow down with this dash for cash idea of theirs).


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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IMHO no. Blood is only 0.8% thicker than water in reality, and that factoid often mirrors life (especially since in my experience family pretty much demands a higher devotion from you by rarely gives it in return). If a family member of mine apparaised something of mine, even if it was in their possession, I would fly off the handle (although, given my issues, I would wonder why in the smeg someone in my family has something of mine in their possession in the first place, but I digress).

Now, you're not me and seem much more well, adjusted than I am. So, I would sit them all down, and ask what the shit is going on. Tell them that the guns are yours and you would abso-fucking-lutley not sell them under any circumstances, but if they have financial issues to just come straight forth and tell them--you won't think any less of them if they did anyhow.
