Dish Network Problems 9-13-11


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Having had both here's my breakdown

DirecTV - The way they handle center ice is the best there is. Almost all of the games on CI are in HD, basically if a team broadcasts it in HD it is HD on CI (Dish does most games, not all). They also always have both feeds for the games if available, Dish does not seem to carry the hawks games that are on CSN +. Their sporting event coverage is awesome (US Open, Olympics, etc). NFL Sunday Ticket is great but unless it has changed all those games are SD, it is another 100 bucks for HD.

Dish - The best DVR around. NFL Red Zone is awesome and cheap (5 bucks a month). Integrated PIP, superior customer service (I had a ass load of issues with Directv). And lacks the the problems I had with DirecTV (huge delay when inputting into the remote and getting it to display on the screen, you can set when the box checks for updates instead of DTV pushing them to you in prime time, their updates do not wipe out your DVR)


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May 14, 2010
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I don't care about CI, because I only watch the hawks games or national games. I've never had a problem finding any hawks games on DIsh, only problem I have had is sometimes when they are pushed to alt channels it's not HD. Dish was great sports coverage of college football on all sorts of channels with the package I had, and I got red zone free. Olympics they had a channel dedicated to previewing all the different olympics channels so you can watch them all at once much like sportsmix for NFL. Tennis, Golf, and all that crap I could care less about. In the end channels don't matter as much as equipment and service, and that's something Directv is definitely lacking. I want to throw the fucking thing out the window, and the service people while friendly, haven't had much of a clue.

DVR suck... only 50 timers? What the **** is that bullshit. The delay is horrible. Can't pause live tv on other tvs? WTF. Why are there infomercial channels fucking everywhere! When I looking for a game why does it show I can get it then when I go to the channel it says I must subscribe. Why is the fast forward and rewind so fucking slow and inaccurate. And better yet, how the **** can you tout a slow fast forward as a feature??? Yes calling your shittiness a feature! It takes 6 seconds to fast forward 30, and you have to sit there and watch it jump forward, and you are calling that a feature to help people not miss anything?! **** you. So many other things I don't want to get into like how shitty the remote is. I wish I could have Dish.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Yeah but out of staters care about CI.

But yeah basically your problems are the ones I had with DTV. Dish's DVR is fucking awesome. Accurate 30 second skip (that's instant) and an instant 10 second rewind. So you just hit the skip forward through the commercials, when it stops on the show, hit the skip back and bam skipped the commericals without having to time your button pressing. Also I like red zone over sunday ticket. All I see are the important plays, not all the boring BS inbetween

If Dish ever started doing CI like DTV does they'd be the best thing since sliced bread.


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May 14, 2010
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Yeah but out of staters care about CI.

But yeah basically your problems are the ones I had with DTV. Dish's DVR is fucking awesome. Accurate 30 second skip (that's instant) and an instant 10 second rewind. So you just hit the skip forward through the commercials, when it stops on the show, hit the skip back and bam skipped the commericals without having to time your button pressing. Also I like red zone over sunday ticket. All I see are the important plays, not all the boring BS inbetween

If Dish ever started doing CI like DTV does they'd be the best thing since sliced bread.

I meant I liked Red Zone too but it was free on Dish. Maybe I worded it right. Redzone is included with Sunday ticket as well. don't know if you can buy it separately.

Even the things they do better like the preview channel for sunday ticket they **** up. If you go to the channel where you see the 8 games at once... you can then use the arrows to move among those channels and the sound changes to the game that you have selected. Simple right... but nooooo no... If you try to activate the yellow bar feature to change channels you **** it up. Pushing up does nothing, pushing down goes to doubleplay (also a horrifically executed "feature") you push right and the apps start and you push left and the menu goes back a screen... WTF. Do people actually test these things.

And on top of all that I have to call them again for my bill being incorrect. The first month they over charged me 10$ for the HD service which I'm supposed to be getting free, they told me it was just the way it was and that it would be removed from the next bill for last month... ok... this bill not on there, but they didn't remove last months charge... and then they decided to magically charge me an extra $45 for the free movie channel promotion that they gave me.... so they owe me $55 and counting now.


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May 17, 2010
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I think everyone's experience is different. I've never had Dish Network...but have had DirectTv for over 15 years

My good experience is whenever I've had any issues at all...they've fixed/handled/compensated me

For instance...with them giving 2 free months of NFL to new customers..i called and was like WTF? I get the NFL, NHL...used to get MLB..get movie channels at times...etc and they give 29 bucks a month for a year AND now free NFL to a brand new cust?

I don't call and swear/go crazy...just like "come a brotha out"....and they gave me 2 free months of the NFL

I've called for dumb shit, lost signal here or there...and I'll get 5 bucks off a month for 6 months, gotten free movie channels for 3 months....etc

But i've heard of others having bad experiences as well


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
*makes jerk off motion* Who the **** cares? Football is overrated.

Heresy! Clearly you are either un-American or non-American---and really, either renders you feckless to us other true red-blooded Americans. Is there something you perhaps want to admit to in TCD's "Canada" thread?


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I think everyone's experience is different. I've never had Dish Network...but have had DirectTv for over 15 years

My good experience is whenever I've had any issues at all...they've fixed/handled/compensated me

For instance...with them giving 2 free months of NFL to new customers..i called and was like WTF? I get the NFL, NHL...used to get MLB..get movie channels at times...etc and they give 29 bucks a month for a year AND now free NFL to a brand new cust?

I don't call and swear/go crazy...just like "come a brotha out"....and they gave me 2 free months of the NFL

I've called for dumb shit, lost signal here or there...and I'll get 5 bucks off a month for 6 months, gotten free movie channels for 3 months....etc

But i've heard of others having bad experiences as well

Did I mention the installation too 6 hours, 2 guys and two of my nights.

The things you mention above are any company, especially one you've been with so long. I used to do the same with dish and they've give it to me. None of it unfortunately makes up for all the inconvenience that their equipment gives you. The problem is, you don't know what you are missing because you've always had it, so you are probably just so used to it that it doesn't both you now.


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May 17, 2010
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Yeah....probably Mass.

And I've heard the same thing you have said with others..and prob being with them for this long makes a difference. I always play that card when calling too

They probably all pretty much fucking suck balls.

I did hear not too long ago that systems like PS3, XBox....were going to be able to be used as cable boxes to get TV stations as well. I wonder if that would put some clamps on these other providers?


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Yeah....probably Mass.

And I've heard the same thing you have said with others..and prob being with them for this long makes a difference. I always play that card when calling too

They probably all pretty much fucking suck balls.

I did hear not too long ago that systems like PS3, XBox....were going to be able to be used as cable boxes to get TV stations as well. I wonder if that would put some clamps on these other providers?

Yeah I was with Dish for over 6 years and 3 apartments, and I let them know it every time I called. haha Yeah, they all suck balls to a point, at least it's not ATT or Comcast, that's a redeeming quality. Direct is supposively going to go back to a DirecTivo system... WITH 4 TUNERS... If they do that, and do it well, I may not ever have to go back to Dish again.. haha Cross our fingers that they get it out by the end of the year.

Yeah it would be nice to have PS3's used as cable boxes and such, I can get sunday ticket on the PS3 now, but I wish that the cable/sat. company would catch up to the tvs. I should be able to just plug it straight into my tv and let it handle everything DVR and all. Why don't those companies join forces on special models more often? You'd probably even be locked into service since you got the DirecTV... TV...


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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I must be the luckiest Comcast subscriber there is. I seriously have zero complaints about it. Several years ago, I did have to call and ***** pretty much every day until they fixed shit, but since then, it's been a dream. Pretty much zero downtime, and where there is downtime, it's maybe an hour tops.


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May 17, 2010
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I saw that PS3 now offers the NFL Package, NHL, and MLB as well. can get Netflix and Hulu through the console


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May 14, 2010
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I've had very few problems with comcast as well. Only problem i've had is the set top boxes they use seem to be pretty shitty. I've had 2 fail, but all I have to do is go and drop mine off and pick up another. Never been a problem.
