There's this guy in LA who is basically terrorizing small businesses. He is a handicapped person in a wheelchair who is taking advantage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as local ordinances that are meant to protect disabled people. This ****** just strolls into businesses that he has no intention of patronizing, and looks for ADA violations. For example, if the counter is 1 inch above the required height, he sues... if the bathroom mirror or paper towel dispenser is too high, he sues.. if there isn't a handicapped accessible entrance, he sues. Basically, any minor thing that isn't in compliance, he'll sue your ass. And the people he sues are these little mom and pop stores who cannot afford litigation. He's basically extorting these businesses and has pocketed over $500,000. This guy and his attorney are scum bags. Apparently, there are a lot of people doing this, and one business fought back and discovered that the guy suing them wasn't even handicapped! What a scam...