Does it matter if the Bears won the draft day trade with the 49ers...

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Apr 26, 2016
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This trade comes down to how well the QB's play out.
I would say the the niners draft picks of Soloman and Foster have not panned out.
They are also paying Jimmy Garloppolo Super bowl caliber money and while he may turn out to be a good QB, he still hasnt played a full season yet.


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I think this is specific trade is even more worthless than usual, because the Niners already had their QB and weren't going to be drafting Trubisky. They still drafted the guy they wanted, just at #3 instead of #2. From a logical standpoint, I'm not sure how the Niners could "lose" the trade. The only question for the Niners is could they have gotten more for their #2 pick from a different team...everything indicates that they could not. The Bears offered them the best (only?) deal.

The only question, obviously, is did the Bears have to move up to get Trubisky? Some say yes, others say no. If you don't know the answer to that question (and we don't know), then to rehash this topic is even more pointless than it initially was.

Who was their QB? They made the trade for Jimmy G. during the 2017 season.


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Sep 28, 2014
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Who was their QB? They made the trade for Jimmy G. during the 2017 season.

Still no answer and I provided a trick question as bethard wasn't on the team either.......basically lynch QB of the future was hoyer.

But hey....I wouldn't want to reply to that either


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Sep 17, 2013
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Say why you will of pace but there were 9 teams that could have then taken either Mahomes or Watson.

If lynch is so damn smart why did he pass on Mahomes to pick up Solomon Thomas, only to later trade a 2nd round pick to sign jimmy ‘glass’ garropolo. Brilliant move.


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May 10, 2014
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Unless Trubisky is a Hall of Famer, the Bears will never have “won” the draft day trade in many people’s minds, because there’s still the perception that the Bears could’ve just stood pat and gotten him at #3. That specter will always hang over the question.

As someone else has mentioned, the 49ers couldn’t have lost the trade, since they got at 3 who they were going to get at 2 anyway, PLUS more picks. That those picks maybe didn’t work out the best is irrelevant because without the trade, they wouldn’t have had those picks anyway and still would’ve drafted Solomon Thomas early in the first anyway.

Leon Sandcastle

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Feb 5, 2013
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I think this is specific trade is even more worthless than usual, because the Niners already had their QB and weren't going to be drafting Trubisky. They still drafted the guy they wanted, just at #3 instead of #2. From a logical standpoint, I'm not sure how the Niners could "lose" the trade. The only question for the Niners is could they have gotten more for their #2 pick from a different team...everything indicates that they could not. The Bears offered them the best (only?) deal.

The only question, obviously, is did the Bears have to move up to get Trubisky? Some say yes, others say no. If you don't know the answer to that question (and we don't know), then to rehash this topic is even more pointless than it initially was.

Who? Hoyer?

Black Rainbow

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Apr 19, 2014
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Both teams lost because they could have stayed put and drafted Mahomes.


Dissed membered
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yep, it cost 18 million dollars for the Glennon ploy, but nobody thought they were going mitch with 2 and I doubt anyone else would have traded up to get him. Bottom line, what if they did, Maholmes or Watson are just as much a part of their team, and the whole point being, nobody would have ever known he did not get his guy.

Hard to know. Many scenarios for teams to think they need to move up. I suspect others entertained the idea and even spoke to the 49ers with Pace's offer being the best. If Pace doesn't take what others are looking for, 49ers can get another great trade down deal. If not, they still have the 3rd pick. It was a no lose situation for them. They did get other calls before the trade down and then phones went quiet after. Doesn't mean other teams were doing more than kicking tires so no proof of anything but the trade became less desirable.

The Bear could have either won or lost in that trade but the it was all good for the Niners unless they could have gotten more for the trade down and they miscalculated being able to do it twice. Pure speculation.

I think the bigger issue is that a QB needy team with what some here think is a genius GM passed on Mitch, Mahomes and Watson with 2 swings of the bat.


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Kinda hilarious the 4 highest paid QB’s in the NFL are all bad at football.

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Monday Morning QB
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Still no answer and I provided a trick question as bethard wasn't on the team either.......basically lynch QB of the future was hoyer.

But hey....I wouldn't want to reply to that either

That’s the problem with Rory. When he just talks football he’s fine but he’s always quick to throw daggers. He tends to disappear when he’s wrong. Although, he did man up when he was not aware of the rule change on hitting QBs when they give themselves up after challenging me in another thread.

Back to this thread...

I think that they were hoping to eventually get Cousins but there was certainly no guarantee. To pass on Mitch, Mahomes and Watson with the idea of getting Cousins which ended up as Jimmy G. (with a massive contract now) and having Foster as your draft fallback if the Bears selected Thomas (which Lynch originally thought) is a seriously flawed plan. To compound the issue, they later did draft Foster too.


Variant Also Negotiates
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Pace panicked and bid against himself to take Turd. Fucking idiot

Read the article again EggBritches.....his phone stopped ringing after the deal was made with the BEARs for #2 and Trubs


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Nov 5, 2012
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Some decent points. Going to get your QB on draft day is always acceptable but to look at who the 49ers drafted as a determination of whether this was a good trade for the Bear is silly. Bears would have drafted different players in those spots. It's impossible to know how our other picks would have fared.

I'm just happy that Pace picked his target and secured it. It will be a couple years to know if he got the best option and with the way Mahomes is playing, maybe not, but Mitch was on top of most boards and the safest pick in terms of running a controlled pro O with the potential to eventually excel at the time. Mahomes just turned out to assimilate the game better/faster than most expected.:beer:

In reality we won’t know how Mahomes would have been. The fox offense was so old and out dated. The chance mahomes would have been playing like he is now is slim to none. Mahomes has a year to sit and learn from Reid, Nagy, Smith, Daniel.

Trubisky has a giraffe of a numb and some terrible offensive coaches who simply said. Don’t throw the ball. We can’t afford turn overs as we lost a game after game.

We see how improved trubisky is after just 1 season under Nagy. Next year would be a better time to compare them two.
