Seriously trying to help:
You might have to look at the fine print. In many cases you can rent a DSL router from the ISP, but if it's a $5 rental fee, and you can get a DSL router that fits your needs for $120 or less, and you're planning on staying with your ISP for more than 2 years, if you buy you'll end up paying less in the long run. Granted, if you're not very tech savvy, the $5/month might be peace of mind knowing that if it goes tits up the ISP will fix/replace it. Granted, their customer service can be at the Comcrap/QWorst level.
It does sound like to me though that all you need is a DSL modem/router that can do at least 6 downstream. Not sure about the upstream or how much you need from it, but if you already have a wireless router and it's reasonably futureproofed, then you just need DSL-in-Ethernet out.
A quick perusal of an get you a 24MBPS down/2MBPS up in with a 10/100 out for $80 ( Granted, I don't use DSL so I don't know how good it will be (but it's not like the 100MBPS out to your network will be saturated if you're capped at 6MBPS), but by my math if your ISP charges you $5 to rent a DSL modem you'll end up paying this off in 16 months.