A game?
WAR impacts individual games? I could have sworn it was a indication of total number of games, in whole or part, that a player would lead to a team winning in a season versus having a replacement player. You're saying it affects a, as in singular, game? So how does one acquire more than 1 win in any 1 game?
Or will you just try to redefine the shitty stat again? You started by claiming Schwarber will have the 2nd highest WAR of his career. I state WAR is a shit stat, because it is. I say why I don't like it. You are the one who used the stat in your argument. I don't think you understand the difference between the words "that" and "how" or "how much." A logical person would state the stat of WAR can show that one player is more effective this season than another in a given season. The previous statement is an example of a "that" statement. The difference in those WAR stats is an indication of "how much" more effective. Unfortunately, what the WAR stat can't do is define "how" that player was able to be more effective. It could have been because the one player was much better with power numbers, or greater at defense, or getting on base, or all of that, or just one player got a lot more playing time for whatever reason. Who knows, because WAR sure as **** ain't letting you know all on it's own.
Let me give a final example of why I don't like this stat. Two players who on 9//9/22 at 11:26 pm Central Time have the same WAR, same G of 115, only difference in PA is the 2nd has 30 more PA. 2nd player has a BA 40 points higher, OBP is 60 point higher, and SLG is 218 points, yes 218 points higher. Now if all you had was WAR to go on, you don't know that player #2 was this much better offensively, which could only mean player #1 must be that much better defensively, because that would actually get into the "how" these players are affecting the games, then how could you make a choice between which player you wanted for your team? They both have the same WAR effect. And if you say you'd look at other stats, I'll ask again why bother looking at WAR? Because WAR in no way tells you how, meaning the way in which, players actually affect the game.