Tiger Woods, like Madden, is sports franchise that is stuck in mud. It barely changes every year, adding a different mode (Master's mode!), yet getting people to buy.
I think I will wait until you can enter "Tiger Mode" - hunting down white strippers and escorts up and down Vegas and New York all night long. Either that, or a Charlie Sheen mode where you are beating strippers, slamming alcohol and coke, and then doing a round of 18.
Joking aside, while I do think that Tiger Woods and Madden are the two most stagnant video game franchises, I can excuse Madden because I can't go outside and play 11 vs 11 football anytime I want. With Tiger Woods, if it's the winter, I can pop in my Tiger Wood's Wii 2008 anytime I want. If it is any other time, I can go play 9 or hit a bucket of balls anytime I want.