I've heard stuff about paranoia / panic attacks with edibles. Doesn't sound fun.
its just not something you should jump into the deep end of the pool. coming to accept your mortality is a benefit to experiencign this, and you can have an ego death where the worry about dieing isn't going to trouble you as much. Its kinda like the expelling of our cultural fear of death from your person by being forced to face the reality of it head on.
I wouldn't worry about it, there is much pleasure to be had (enhances music, sex, food....some of lifes greatest pleasures)....its worth exploring if you are ok with the dangers. I just don't think its good to be immature, uninformed, or cavalier about manipulating your brain.
Its not for everyone, though clearly many like it. I just think you should vape some, and not just once or three times but explore it a little. The first hit is always overpowering if you get after it, like say an entire Vape bag when you haven't been building any tolerance can floor you and put you into a panic attack if you are a novice. but this is easy to eat yourself down from and passes in about an hour.
With the edible you are trapped for an afternnon or an evening, so if its too much and you aren't experienced with accepting your ego death you will fight it, and it will fight with fear and your breathing can get messed up, or even forget to breathe, you lose the automaticity a little and you need to keep focusing on your breath and breathe until you are used to that space of heavy bud intoxication.
You can not even achieve this state really if you smoke everyday as your brain chemicals get sapped and can't release the same effect. So smoking everyday is not what the power tripper like myself do.
first, dry out. Take 40 days off and clean the system.
next, don't smoke everyday. Take 3-7 days off frequently to recalibrate your brain for maximum effect. In this way I can use bud more as a psychadelic by minimizing my tolerance to it. I am a bad panic smoker, so it took me time to master my ego death.
I am very sensitive and seek ways to get maximum dosage as often as possible, the tranquil smokes are not what I am after. I am after the peak experiences.
Just try vaping and watching a favorite movie, or a comedy you have never seen. You can really get into the psyche of the director and notice more than you ever have before.
I recently shared a brownie with a friend visiting from Chicago for the Cutler injured leg game against Detroit we would have won if McCown started probably. Anyway, we each had half as I didn't want to be too far gone if he had problems, but within an hour he was saying....
take me to the hospital. and thought my refusal meant that I was going to let him die. when he started vomiting I seriously considered calling an ambulance, but then a 10$ brownie becomes $1000 day or more. My explaining fears and panic to him in this state basically sounded like I wasn't listening to his fears and I call this....
internal attributions for external sensations. You start really tripping out about what is going on with your body processes, breathing, pains, discomfort. and because you are doing something new and its unfamiliar feelings you can easiliy panic, and nothing anyone can tell you will convince you your ok if you don't accept the death, have fun with it, just go with it, be ok with dieing or you will keep fighting against this fear.
This particular friend and I drowned in a car accident that was my fault. I drove us into a river and when I pulled him out 5 minutes later he was unconscious with water full lungs.
I myself lost consciousness at least once under water, and if I hadn't come to and found a broken back window big enough to pull through (the roof was crushed down making windows in front cage too small and doors jammed) we both would have been lost for sure. After that period I would always go straight to ego death and had experienced many. Him and I are like ghosts in our psyche a little because we came back so close to the edge.