Funny and sad that you say that and feel that way.........
You know what's really funny and sad? That the pro wrestling political party you "lean" toward has Newt Gingrinch as their front runner, ironically enough after Herman Cain bowed out due to scandal. You know, the Newt Gingrinch who cheated on his first wife while she's struggling with cancer, divorced and turned that affair into his second wife, then cheated on
her with an aide while he's blasting Clinton for infidelity, then divorced that second wife and turned
that affair into his third wife... and that everybody is seemingly cool with that or "forgot" about it?
You seem to be okay with it. Anything to get Obama out right? It doesn't matter who it is, it's just a title, as fake as any WWF title. But you don't even need to believe that to feel that something is wrong. Actually look at the people you're rooting for, like with good ole' Newt. The Democrats aren't any better. There is no better. Millions couldn't see past Obama's bullshit speeches that are written for him to sell his image to you. He's done the same kind of horrible shit as Bush did, well that's if you were to believe it's any of them personally doing it in the first place, but the point stands.
Do you really think that, as Carlin called them, the real owners would actually give us a choice like this, a legit say in a decision that supposedly appoints the Most Powerful Man in the World? They design currency. They plan and work on projects that span multiple
generations. They spend trillions to control billions of people, they topple governments, they control the economy and bring entire countries to their financial knees in servitude. They buy and/or kill kings, presidents, "terrorist leaders" and dictators.
And they're going to risk their grip on all that because there was a bit too many IHFs or too many Kerfluffles or too many "hippies" voting in that last election and their guy didn't get elected? Or one of their candidates "forgot" about an affair he had? Or they're going to let a couple states in America like Ohio or Florida and a mere couple million people that vote (and with the difference most likely being an even more minuscule couple hundred thousand votes) in those states potentially **** them up depending on how they feel about Governor What's His Face hair style or color of skin or religious beliefs or whether or not he would allow two gays in Columbus,OH to get married ?
Of course they're not, of course they're not. We may as well be voting in American Idol for as much as the presidential vote matters. To be honest, it probably doesn't even matter as much as that.