Is epilepsy not something that can be helped by pot? It helps with damn near everything else
Not for me. Not at all.
I had a really bad episode of twitching like a mofo when I smoked some weed. I retired from that

. Used to do it alot in highschoo lmao
The two big ones I've had in my life were either around drugs or drinking. I had one really bad at Bonaroo(hated it so much) on the way to see Arcade Fire. I was drinking all day, absolutely zero sleep and it was like a lightning bolt was hitting my head. All I would see is flashes, I'd get up, twitch again, and keep falling over.. I started freaking out then BAM.. Had a grand mal seizure.
Finally go see a doc, got to wear a cap with wires that made me look like a friggin creature from Avatar, and I now take 10 pills a day.. Rougly. Sometimes I forget to take the correct amount.
Looking back, I blew off the issue for years. Like running in for football practice during 2 adays.. In the early morning.. My eyes were always squinting really hard, and I'd twitch and fall when I was trying to warm up, blew it off from just being "tired".. Yeah haha
Shit sucks. Thank god for science though. NO "dadbuddy" bullshit. But one of my best buddies when I was in highschool, Jeff, died from a grand mahl.. Sufficated on his pillow

.. He was very inconsistent with his meds, smoked ALOT of weed(hmm) and was a very angry person about his issue. Which was a lot worse than mine.