I'll be a Cubs fan for life.
And I admit I still go to games - although no where near the amount I did when I was a STH.\.
I think one thing people (non Cubs fans) will have a very difficult time having any leverage in saying is that Cubs fans are fair weather fans...
But being a "real fan" doesn't mean you HAVE to be OK with the method boy blunder is using. Doens't mean you HAVE to be Ok with losing.
In fact, I'd argue that if you're not pissed that we suck so bad, you need to rethink what sports are all about.
No one saying we have to be ok with it or accept the losing
Its just get annoying reading the same piss fest over n over every week, every month in the same season.
their suck ass record for the season not going to change.
What they decided to do 2 yrs ago, not going to change.
Not signing those big FAs the last 2 yrs. not going to change.
No matter how much we still piss n moan about it today next
Week or next month
You mentioned about being a real fan or fair weather one
I think real fans no matter how bad a season is will look for positive to root for..
Seriously how can a fan not be excited for castro and rizzo turnaround.
The pitching of Arrieta.
Not be excited about having a couple of real hot prospects real close to joining the club
Its obvious this team has alot going for them going forward
might as well embrace it and enjoy the rise
Instead of constantly pissn n moaning about what they did or didn't do in the past