If you want to get really lean (8% or lower to see your abs on most guys), you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO eat right. There is no other way around it. You have to be in a calorie deficit and you have to weight train. The 90/10 rule is pretty effective in your diet. 90% healthy unprocessed foods and 10% whatever you want as long as you keep your deficit. Weight training should be 5 to 6 days a week with a split routine. Cardio should be done a few times a week but is not nearly as important as strength training. I can not stress that enough. If you only do cardio and you diet, you will turn into Jared Leno from Dallas Buyers Club. And that is only if you have the discipline to keep that going for 6 plus months. That will make you more unattractive.
If you are getting results but then plateau, you might want to introduce carb cycling. Google Lyle McDonald Ultimate Diet 2.0 and you can get a free pdf of a great training and diet program to get you from an above average body to shredded. Don't do this though if you are still at like 15% body fat. It will work but it is unecessary to get down to 10% or so.
Always remember that nothing you eat tastes as good as it feels to be fit. Furthermore, nothing you eat will be satisfying the next day. Keep those 2 thoughts in mind and be positive about your progress. Shoot for the stars.