Fear the walking dead kickoff: reactions/ thoughts


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Jun 9, 2011
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I liked Rick, Glen, Darryl, and Shane at the beginning of TWD... within the first episode I was a fan of Rick and Morgan and his son.... **** I was a fan of Rick's horse lol.... poor fucking horse died and I was kinda sad.

I realize the outbreak wasn't going to go full blown in the first episode, but I wish they could have alluded more to the workings of the outbreak, you got a little bit of that.... the kid talking about it to the councilor chick.... the hospital taking the dead guy downstairs immediately.... but that kinda stuff and how the government was responding to the zombie outbreak was very light IMO... I spent way more time getting to know this dysfunctional family than I would have liked.

I want to see the outbreak of the zombie virus in the context of these characters, not a show about a dysfunctional family and their drama with the zombie outbreak being the backdrop.

IMO TWD has gotten into that mode, where the zombie apocalypse is just a backdrop for character drama.... if this show just becomes family drama with zombies in the background I am going to get annoyed.

I think (hope) they go more into how the outbreak started.... otherwise this show would seem pointless. Eventually it'll seem pointless anyway because it'll be the same thing as TWD but with different characters. That was probably my biggest issue with the first show... how little they went into the outbreak. I'm anticipating that we'll find out more in the next couple of shows.

I'm not gonna criticize the show for heavily focusing on the characters in the beginning though. We need to know who they are and what they're like. And if they're all going to be major main characters moving forward, we need to know more about them. That's pretty much par for the course for every TV series. I mean, shit, the first show of TWD was 90% Rick. But it made sense because the main dude.

Bearin' Down

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Aug 20, 2012
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I'm worried this ends up being too dramay alas Grey's anatomy


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The second show was extremely "meh" to me. A lot of dumb moments to. Like Tobias coming back to the school to get his shitty ass kitchen knife back. I mean, c'mon. You couldn't find something better in your kitchen? Or that dude running in the bus and was all like "Hey everyone, a homeless guy got shot! everyone come see!" I know when I see a homeless man get shot, the first thing I do is run inside of a bus and tell everyone about it.

Plus, I feel like they kind of missed the mark on showing how terrified they actually are. If this was real life, I'd fuckin tell everyone what I saw... not keep that shit secret. I'd also be a lot more, "HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!" These guys just look kinda confused.


Three if by air
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Caught up and the first half of season 1 is over. Some spoilers and here's my generic viewpoint. Non-spoilers in the last paragraph if you're thinking about watching, or maybe you gave up and wonder if it's worth it.

So my thoughts. Starts off with very plain-jane characters. Under-developed and I can see why after 5-6 eps. They want to focus on the events that weren't really understood or shown while Rick was in a coma within the main series. So by design, you're getting to know the characters on the fly in a hot sloppy mess, because the situation is a hot sloppy mess. It goes from an after-school special style of theater to more of what you should expect from the series. Still leaving room to grow. Just enough to keep me watching to see if it gets better. Just watching the first 3 eps will leave you in some state of feeling like this is yet another california-ized show. And yes, it is very california-ized, but at episode 6, they begin to go nomad. So who knows where they will go, which new characters come in to mix things up.

The militarized lock-down period showed how one area could have handled the scenario before getting over-run by rebels, zombies, and those who need care and have a hard time deciding if they should risk alerting others. It's a dull angle of the story, because the writers chose to show how people were left in the dark and were lied to with the intent of control and reducing panic. Not the best for TV, but lucky for entertainment purposes, we see everything change for a different scenario VERY QUICK.

In short, the first 3 episodes were stretched out. We know what is going on as viewers at this point. But the last 3 episodes *might* make it worth while. The scenario is set up for the second half of this season. If that pans out, then the dragged out story to start to series can be overlooked.
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Apr 16, 2013
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I got two more episodes to watch and I really have no desire to watch it.


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I give season one a 5/10.

I was pretty disappointed. The spin off was a great idea, but they really missed the mark in the first season imo. Plus, a lot of the characters wound up being pretty corny. It just wasn't believable.

I'm going to give season 2 a shot.. but ehh.
