Fields runs 65 yards to throw a block for his back

Alpha Male

Well-known member
Sep 15, 2013
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See I don't count ineffectiveness or unavailability for injuries as a bust. It's a physical game, and you can't control when your body breaks down. Busts should only be considered for those that are perform poorly (just one fan's opinion).

I want Fields to stay healthy and hope he slides and goes OB intelligently, but if he's sprinting down field to turn a big play into a TD for us, I'll never complain. That kind of hustle inspires the men you lead. You can't loaf on a play when your QB is out there throwing down field blocks!
All busts are busts despite the reason. Kevin White is a good example of a player who sucked but pace fuckboys liked to blame it on injuries and give him a pass.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2013
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One thing for sure, Fields is kind of the anti-Mitch. Not that Trubisky wouldn't throw his body around for his teammate, but I'm almost positive he wouldn't have enough foresight to see that defender was the only possible thing between his RB and a TD. Of course, that block was unnecessary and very close to being illegal, but the leadership, intelligence, demeanor of Fields is all the exact opposite of Trubisky. If Fields fails, this organization is really cursed. They have officially tried every way possible to get a franchise QB


CCS Donator
Aug 29, 2012
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Fort Myers, FL
See I don't count ineffectiveness or unavailability for injuries as a bust. It's a physical game, and you can't control when your body breaks down. Busts should only be considered for those that are perform poorly (just one fan's opinion).

95% of CCS & Bears fandom will say otherwise if you bring up Kevin White ?‍♂️ But let's not digress from this awesome block. Fields will learn to slide and avoid dumb hits. Not worried.


May 3, 2021
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See I don't count ineffectiveness or unavailability for injuries as a bust. It's a physical game, and you can't control when your body breaks down. Busts should only be considered for those that are perform poorly (just one fan's opinion).

I want Fields to stay healthy and hope he slides and goes OB intelligently, but if he's sprinting down field to turn a big play into a TD for us, I'll never complain. That kind of hustle inspires the men you lead. You can't loaf on a play when your QB is out there throwing down field blocks!
I get that, it wouldn’t make him a bust in the same sense as a player who just wasn’t any good or had off the field issues, but it’s definitely something to consider, especially when a player’s playing style makes them more susceptible to injury.

The closest comparison for Justin fields among historical players is Robert Griffin III. Look at scouting reports for RGIII from the 2012 draft, they’re incredibly similar to Fields; basically the same size, speed, arm strength, accuracy, intelligence, leadership, toughness... but the Redskins let RGIII run freely, and allowed him to play through injuries (even when the doctor refused to clear him), and it ended up wrecking what could have been a HOF career. Griffin’s own strengths, his running ability and incredible toughness and competitiveness, ended up being his downfall.

Hopefully the Bears took note, and will do what is necessary to reign in Fields for the sake of his long term health. But everything they’ve said publicly so far makes me think that they’re going to be careful, which is really good to hear. Just imagine if Fields had ended up with the Jets or some other dumpster fire of an organization...


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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Love the hustle, but he almost cost that man a touchdown for nearly getting a block in the back. Got to be smart! :)
