Game of Thrones Thread


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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He doesn’t seem mad. But I’m sure he doesn’t want to rock the boat since he’s involved in writing 8 fucking shows. Good luck also getting those last two books lol

Why would he be. Them fucking up the ending is going to get more people to read his books.


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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Ohmmgee. Rodgers flipped his shit. He's got the fire and the passion. That was epic.


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Why would he be. Them fucking up the ending is going to get more people to read his books.

I'm definitely more interested in how GRRM is going to end the books now

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Martin did voice disappointment with the show. The 2 main concerns it seemed he had was the rushed ending and secondary characters who had bigger parts in the show that they really shouldn't have as well as other secondary characters from the book who were never introduced in the show. He said if the show stayed true to the story, it would have taken several more seasons to play out. This is especially true with the Dany character, really one of 2 main characters that made GOT as popular as it was. The show just flips a switch on her, whereas the regression from who she was and what she became in her attack on the, already surrendered, KL just seemed totally out of character and didn't make sense. It was as if the attack was just part of a temper tantrum she had after the North showed her no love for her efforts in the war against the dead and Jon rejected her.

We also then see after the easy victory over KL she still has that mad queen mentality with her people. But, with Jon, she's still the same person she was before and just tries to reason it all with him and essentially wants them both to conquer the world and bring peace to it together. This all would have played out better if they expounded on the Dany/Jon relationship post the Aegon Targaryen reveal. She still loves Jon in the same way and expects him to love her in the same way. Jon still loves her but can't love her in the same way now knowing she's his Aunt. That fact is never explained in the slightest in the show. While incest was the norm in the Targaryen family even as they ruled the Iron Throne for hundreds of years, it was heavily frowned upon in the world Jon was raised in.

Jon actually becomes the antithesis of the Jaime character whereas he loves Dany very much but is not going to give in to what he believes to be right. He, not only, doesn't want to give in to an incestuous relationship but he is not going to sacrifice innocent lives including the lives of his sisters just cause he does love Dany. He's slow on the uptake and still blinded by love to a point but still feels it his duty to serve the greater good.

The show makes it seem as though he's tricking her in the end just to get the chance to kill her but he's not. He still loves her even as he kills her. In the end though we see Dany only loved 2 things, power and Jon. Jon was left with no choice, as with Dany, there would always be war and more innocents killed and the lives of the only family he ever knew would be in the most immediate danger. When he asks Tyrion if he did the right thing by killing her cause it didn't feel right, he's showing how that act of killing her broke him cause he did still love her and didn't feel like he killed an evil person.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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This dude is hilarious. He sound like he want **** Jon Snow right up. Dude say he going to go to the bars and get in a fight, lol.

And I love how he looking over his shoulder to see if his wife listening as he talking about his Khaleesi.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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This dude is hilarious. He sound like he want **** Jon Snow right up. Dude say he going to go to the bars and get in a fight, lol.

And I love how he looking over his shoulder to see if his wife listening as he talking about his Khaleesi.
Both Momoa and Rodgers just seem like brain dead narcissists to me.


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Ian McElhinney (Ser Barristan Selmy)
"He took exception to the fact that David Benioff and D.B. Weiss killed off his character in Season 5 "

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister)
"Nikolaj Coster-Waldau hasn't outright said anything negative about the ending"

Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen)
"Emilia has been letting her facial expression do the talking"

Kit Harington (Jon Snow)
'When asked by Pop Buzz to summarize the finale with one word he said "Disappointing." He took it back and said, "Epic," '

Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister)
"Queen Cersei has been fairly mum about the end of the series on social media, but in a talk with Entertainment Weekly, she tactfully called her reaction to her final script "mixed" and that while she found her ending with Jaime "fitting,"

Scathing stuff, good find Houston.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Did feel the ending was rushed...
However, I got 8 years of solid entertainment out of it and consider it one of the best series I’ve seen. Would highly recommend...


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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This is awesome only watched half I will watch the other half later lol


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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You're happy it's over? Personally, I could go for some more A+ production shows with A+ boobies and A+ battle scenes. But that's just me.

Season 8 was a rushed, sloppy, mess.... it was not A+ Production.... see Starbucks cup in episode 4.

Loved the series.... hated season 8.... happy it is over so D&D can stop ruining what was a truly great series.

If the quality had kept up as A+ thru seasons 7 and 8 and it ended properly, it would have left me wanting more.... it would have left me feeling like there was a hole in my entertainment world that needs filling, but they managed to **** season 8 so hard I was happy to let the show rest in peace.

Les Grossman

Well-known member
Jun 22, 2011
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Season 8 was a rushed, sloppy, mess.... it was not A+ Production.... see Starbucks cup in episode 4.

Loved the series.... hated season 8.... happy it is over so D&D can stop ruining what was a truly great series.

If the quality had kept up as A+ thru seasons 7 and 8 and it ended properly, it would have left me wanting more.... it would have left me feeling like there was a hole in my entertainment world that needs filling, but they managed to **** season 8 so hard I was happy to let the show rest in peace.
But think of all those boobies, Ares. The Sand Snake hotties, Missandei, ...
