Bears4ever on PS3
PS4 owners, I'm due to buy a new "station" soon. How is the PS4? Complaints? Loves and dislikes?
I just hope you do not make the mistake and go to Microsoft this gen because "it's cheaper". It's basically joining the losing team for a measly $50 price difference. There is a reason the PS4 is smashing the competition. Other than the questionable battery life of the controller, I really haven't found anything to complain about with the PS4. But maybe as time goes on I may? Who knows. But I am in love with the controller regardless of my issues with it's battery life and the resolution this beast puts out. Those two things are the reason I went with the PS4. It's 2015 and the X-Bone is averaging about 900p with their the hell do you explain that shit?
Upgrade whenever the money is right, my friend. You will not regret it if you are ready to pay for online subscriptions, because I know a lot of PS3 gamers are having a rough time accepting that. I played the 360 all of last generation so I am well adapted to forking over cash for subscriptions.