

Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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Has anyone used this in their gardens before?? did it help with the bugs?

I am thinking about getting the 3 in 1 and a couple of bags of lady bugs...

I see this mistake often made. People who introduce one pest to fight another. So here's the problem with this method, it is effective to a point. But what you want to do is introduce more insects that combat the pest you have, as in be specific to the exact pest in place and the counterpart, not just an all-in one solution, because you might introduce something that eventually starts to feed off OTHER beneficial insects.

Now, nematodes might be the right choice for your exact pest. But you may want to dig deeper (no pun) and get the right predator in place instead of an all-purpose solution. Find something that will not be further invasive and compatible with the local ecosystem. I don't say that lightly either, it's pretty damn important to be sure.

The other thing about nematodes, they can just as easily get wiped out in the wrong conditions, and you're back at square one with less time and money behind you. Do it right the first time, and if you don't know what insect to introduce to solve a problem, there are clubs, universities, etc, that have people who are excited to help.
