Dpauley23 wrote:
Where did you this crap about Paxson admitted he gave Gorden under market value contract? From what I've heard Paxson felt he was overpaying Gordon and was betrayed by him declining the offer
Perhaps I chose the wrong words in "market value," but my point is that no other team was anywhere near the Bulls offer for Gordon. That's how I perceive someone's market value. It is true, however, that if you compare Gordon's worth to other peeople with his stats, etc, then the deal could be argued to be under market value, perhaps greatly so. I'm more of the mind that you're worth what someone is willing to pay you, at least in practice. Adding it up, I think Bulls' offers were both fair and that Ben should have taken them, which is not to say the JR's pig-headedness hasn't been counterproductive, as it has. If the owner was more interested in keeping Gordon, I think Paxson and Gordon would've made a deal already.
I certainly hope Gordon stays, but I'd also hope we recall the whole history of negotiations, in which both the player and the team have probably made foolish decisions.