Do you own an electric car?
If no, why not?
Because of time constraints, money, and my field of knowledge not being in the workings of electricity.
Yeah, if I had the money, I would consider the Tesla S (and like Bring said, after proven productions years).
That is not an option for me though.
I had considered getting an old S-10/Ranger type truck and converting it to electric to drive back and forth to work (about 4 miles). The conversion can be done for 3 to 6k if I remember correctly, then to add the vehicle body of course.
I just don't have the garage space, the time, or the electrical knowledge to do it. Or automotive knowledge in general for that matter.
Has anyone seen "Who Killed the Electric Car"?
The Saturn EV1 seemed to be a nice ride until GM, oh, excuse me, "Government Motors", crushed them all.