Haha Packers


CBMB refugee
Aug 20, 2012
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Seattle Sounders FC
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
I think it's fair to say that Seattle has more bandwagon fans than any other team in sports outside of the late 2000's Miami Heat. Seattle was, for years, a nobody team. Now, everyone is caught up in the hype and the cool lime green uniforms. That's fine. More fans is generally good for the game. Frankly, I couldn't care less about that 'I'm a real fan/you're a bandwagon fan' bullshit. It's stupid.

What is funny is the whole '12th Man' thing. Fans glom on to it and they truly think THEY matter. As if THEY themselves - either as an individual or a collective - matter in the overall success of the team. It's silly:

- First of all, Arrowhead is louder and hasn't been acoustically designed to resonate sound. Louder or not, doesn't turn the Chiefs into world beaters. How many SuperBowls has KC won?

- Did the '12th Man' matter when Seattle sucked for years and years? Their home dominance wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that the Seahawks are the deepest and most talented team in the NFL right?

- For all of the 'Seattle Home Dominance' stuff, might want to check out New England's home record at Gillette. Since Brady came back from the injury, they are like 789-2 at home. It's beyond impressive.

- The 'home field advantage'? Well, the 12th Man's noise led to two offside penalties - by Michael Benett - a SEAHAWK player. Also, did you hear the stat? The Seahawks O-Line is the most flagged for false starts in the NFL. Think about that. Think about how many horrible pre-snap penalties the Bears had. Seattle has more. That's often a result of lack of communication and often a result of crowd noise. Funny.

As a Blackhawks fan, I get the whole 'bandwagon' thing. There are many bandwagon Hawks fans. I don't mind it. I think it was more about accessibility. When you can't watch home games on TV, when the team or league isn't covered in the media and when the players aren't on every commercial every minute of every day, people just can't identify. I don't like that the Hawks success means 200 level tickets go for $400. However, I do like that it's a more popular game. With 3 kids that are in hockey, that means better programs at the rink and more kids that know how to skate for shinny games on our backyard rink. Fine by me.

Although like the Bulls, the Hawks have decided that playing defense in the month of January isn't interesting anymore!

You didn't read my post very well did you.

I stated that in the early 2000s, not today, that the SeaHawks were known for their dominance at home and their inability to win games on the road. This was the trademark of that team. I don't expect everyone to know that, they aren't SeaHawks fans. I'm not either but I have lived here for 13 years. I came here in 2001 when this was all that fans here talked about. There was something of a talent gap back then. The SeaHawks were good, they did make a Superbowl and did win their division a fair amount but they weren't dominant during that time. The only time they were a truly tough team to beat was at home. There had to be something to that.

Unless you have sat in that stadium during a game you can't understand how loud that place really becomes. I have, it is deafening. Yep, it does screw up the home team as well sometimes but it absolutely screws with teams coming in.

And the friends I have here were diehard SeaHawks fans then and are now. Nothing has changed about them except their confidence level. Maybe there are more outside of the immediate area but you see that everywhere.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
When Lynch scored but actually stepped out I stayed in that position the rest of the game. Halfway in and out the front door where I smoke. I can't believe that finish. I was finally fully engaged in the game. Needed that after this disappointing season. Great game Lynch is insane

Lynch is the best RB in football. He is the closest thing we have to Payton's punishing runs.....plus he won me my FF leagues :X


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Exactly. Here's what I've learned in this thread: Bearmick, Grimson, OmeletPants, Douche and any one that has routinely thanked their posts are acting like fucking idiots. Fuck that "crew" and any anyone in "it."

I formally suggest they sign up for a message board account at Fox news, creepderdaily.com, AARP and tagalongwannabe.com.

You're not good at this "Bears" shit and you really need to fucking move on.

I think if you put forth a little more effort you could be even more meatbally.


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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Without any effort you could probably fit more dicks in your mouth.


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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Eight year olds shouldn't make jokes about sucking dick, Mick. You must have had a brutal childhood.
